“Macky 2 Knows His Source Of Power To Become Rich” – JIFAN


Mark Mulaza Kaira, a Zambian, popularly known as Macky2 is one of the biggest secular musical artists in the world who knows that God is His source of power to become rich. In Macky2‘s life building latest song is titled “Umutima Wandi” meaning “My Heart”. It features two compassionate and passionate Gospel artists Ephraim and Njamba and he talks passionately about giving his heart to God because his life and everything he has comes from God. He also says he will continue praising God whether poor or rich and in all seasons because some people can not recognise God when they become rich.

The following is what my brother Macky2 is teaching us in his latest song.

I am convinced that the Bible teaches that God wants us to become successful in all areas.

This is what the Bible saying: But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today. Deuteronomy 8:18 NIV

Macky2 understands fully that God gives ability to produce wealth. It doesn’t say God gives the ability to get by, or survive, or subsist. It says, God gives the ability to produce wealth. It is God who gives you the power to become successful and prosperous for His glory.

This scriptures is not only about spiritual wealth and riches, But, if you look at the rest of the chapter, you’ll see it’s talking about plain old, this world, ordinary, wealth and riches. It’s talking about food, land, houses, herds, silver, and gold, not only spiritual things. This chapter is a picture of how things are supposed to be, of how God wants it to be. Plenty to eat, no lack, fine houses, increasing livestock, copper, more farm produce and more innovations all for His glory. This is God’s will not just for the children of Israel but for all of us. This is the way initially things are supposed to be according to God’s plan.

Macky2 emphasises that he gives his heart to God as a way of thanking Him and it’s the reason He created us to have a relationship with Him, and we encouraged to choose to give God our heart and also surrender all our possessions to Him.

My friends and family, Macky2’s song has reminded us to continue growing in our faith in God; to do whatever God tells us to do, to go wherever God tells us to go and give whatever God tells us to give especially our Heart for His glory.

I would like to thank my brother Macky2 for this life building song and may God continue blessing him, his family and others through him.

Listen to this life building latest song by Macky2 and share with everyone everywhere [Watch Video Here]

Written By:
Lazarous Mankel Chongo